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Steamships Ahoy - The Sacrifice DLC & Mac L4D2 [1:52 pm ET]

Robag's picture

Though the news is not yet reflected on the Steam Website, Valve announces the Windows editions of The Sacrifice DLC for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 are both now automatically through Steam, free of charge for owners of those games. This is accompanied by the release of the Mac edition of Left 4 Dead 2, which, like all Steamplay games, is free for those who already own the Windows edition. For those who don’t already possess the zombie shooter sequel, Left 4 Dead 2 is currently on sale for 66% off, as is the original Left 4 Dead (though the Mac edition of that is not expected until the end of this month). The Xbox 360 editions of both DLC are expected later today. Here’s word on The Sacrifice for those who have only taken a passing interest to this point:

“The Sacrifice” is the prequel to “The Passing,” and takes place from the L4D Survivors’ perspective as they make their way South. In addition to advancing the story, “The Sacrifice” introduces a new style finale featuring “Sacrificial Gameplay” where players get to decide who will give their life so the others may live.

The Sacrifice DLC for L4D1 is a separate download than The Sacrifice for L4D2.

In The Sacrifice for Left 4 Dead 1 gamers receive the complete Sacrifice campaign with maps playable in Campaign, Versus, and Survival.

In The Sacrifice for Left 4 Dead 2 owners receive “The Sacrifice” campaign playable with the Left 4 Dead Survivors. In addition, those with Left 4 Dead 2 receive L4D’s “No Mercy” campaign. Both campaigns are playable in Campaign, Versus, Survival, and Scavenge modes and both will feature the Left 4 Dead 2 Special Infected, items, and weapons. Yes, Zoey with a chainsaw!



Microman's picture

Left 4 Dead 2

Bugger it, I’m buying that one today… It’s on sale for $6.79USD ($9.07NZD $6.99AUD). This is a bloody steal, as it is normally $19.99USD!

Hopefully more of you will buy it too…

Robag's picture

fning Steam

will not let me buy another L4D 4 pack


Robag's picture

wait a min

i am stone cold sober and i just bought

Borderlands DLC Claptrap
and a 4 pack of L4D2 zmg


Robag's picture

good news

Matt, Shad and Crazy_as now have a copy of Left4dead2
hmmmmmmmmmm crazy_au in a pink track suit with a chainsaw epic


Sha8doW's picture

I love

I love you robag!

Fuz…you buy!

r0bag iz

da awesome

Fuzz's picture

censored version

What’s the plan.. you guys just playing with the censored version?

Sha8doW's picture

when it comes down

Im gunna see if some of the cracks work…. and see if we can host our own server
I really dont play with anyone else but IPX, nor do I want to either! (pack of Truckheads)

so if we can crack it, host our own… we should be fine!
I dont intend to play this version single player EVER either. I’m saving it entirely for Team Games!

Fuzz's picture

L4D2 uncensored


Ended up getting a generous kiwi to gift me the NZ version (thanks Blood). There were conflicting reports online, some saying if you get someone to gift you the international version you’ll get it uncensored. For $6, it was worth a shot.

So far so good… it’s definitely uncensored right now. Just played two online games on Aussie servers. An update down the track may disable it, but for now I’m happy.

How did you guys go cracking it.




Very good post …i really

Very good post …i really enjoyed great job thank you!

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